Arjun 3 wks old. | Jacki G. Photography| Family & Newborn Photography| Richmond, VA


Meet 22 day old Arjun:

Introducing the teeny tiny sweet-as-can-be Mr. Arjun.  He was 22 days old the day of his session and he just rocked it!  That was the day of the big snow storm.  He has such a wonderful little personality and he even shared a few really adorable big smiles with me.  His smiles where so big at time, I’m pretty sure I heard him laughing.  I wonder what he was dreaming about….or maybe he was just laughing at me, haha!

He already has such a fun personality.  He really LOVED being wrapped up.  I’m so glad that the weather finally held out long enough for us to get Arjuns' session done – it’s been so cold and snowy.  We received 17" of snow that day. I'm glad i was able to photograph this sweet boy before the snow really hit.   Pretty soon this sweet little boy will be running around outside all day long and his family will soon be missing the newborn stage.  They will forever have wonderful memories to forever remember this fleeting age always and I’m so happy that I was able to capture so many beautiful pictures of Arjun for his family.  The newborn age only happens once and I’m always so honored when families have chosen me to capture this precious time for them.

Many congratulations to this wonderful new family: