Ava Newborn| Everything Cream & Pink| Jacki G. Photography| Richmond, VA| Family & Newborn Photography

If you’re a parent, I bet you remember what it was like just after your little one was born. That feeling of wanting to hold your baby close, even when others offered to give you a break. You weren’t ready for a break just yet. You could stare at those sweet, perfect features for hours. And when you did take a break or put baby down to rest, you were eager for a few more snuggles even though you desperately needed rest yourself.

I know the feeling. I’ve had three babies. And no amount of tiredness could keep me from gazing at those tiny toes and precious faces. I have always taken pictures of babies and became a doula first that is what t sparked my desire to become a newborn photographer. I wanted to preserve this fleeting time as brilliantly as possible, and I wanted to give other families that same gift.

A. parents contacted me well before her due date to schedule a newborn session as soon as possible after her arrival. They weren’t after any fancy props or themed sets. They just wanted to capture that perfect newborn bliss. She is their firstborn, and they wanted to take in every minute of this magical experience. Everything went smoothly, and we were able to get sweet A. scheduled before she was 10 days old. I traveled to their home and brought the studio to them. This is an option for some people. The younger the baby the more likely we are to get those snugly poses.

We kept it simple just as they requested adding in just a few pink accents and florals for their dainty angel. A. slept the entire session without making a peep and was a perfect model! I could not get enough of her beautiful little lashes, button nose, and precious lips. What a sweetie!

Welcome home, little princess! I can’t wait to watch you grow.


Newborn Veronica| Richmond, VA | Family & Newborn Photographer| Jacki G. Photography

This little sleeping beauty is Veronica and she is brand new around here!  She was such a great sleeper for her session and then when it came time to take the last few photos, she woke up but gave me the sweetest smile.  Her doggy brother was so sweet with her.
